We supply Active ingredients for the development of personal care products.
Our topical active ingredients, made exclusively from microorganisms, fractions, or microorganism-derived products, are formulated specifically for personal care.
For the cosmetics industry, these microorganisms are creating new opportunities to innovate, especially in the emerging field of microbiome skin care.
Our Active Ingredients
LARALLYā¢ (L-Arabinose) as a Prebiotic for Skin Health
The skin hosts millions of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses that together form the skin microbiota (also called microbiome). Skin aging is associated with changes in the composition of the skin microbiota. Modulating the skin microbiota could potentially alleviate signs of skin aging.
Our in vitro study shows that LARALLYā¢ (L-Arabinose) can play an important role in skin health and aging thanks to its prebiotic properties by influencing and controlling the homeostasis of the skin microbiota.
LARALLYā¢ (L-Arabinose) is obtained through a unique, patent-pending* white biotech process using fermentation
* Patent application: PCT/EP2020/086789
Keeping the skin moisturized
Helping the microbiome to protect againstĀ inflammation and prevent or reduce sensitive skin
Maintaining skin microbiota homeostasis