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Natural Relief of Heartburn Symptoms
Gastro-AD® fermented soy for gastrointestinal health

Man having heartburn

You know that burning feeling you get in your chest and stomach

when you’re stressed
you ate something spicy
you drank too much coffee or alcohol?

That burning feeling is called “heartburn”

but it has nothing to do with the heart.

It’s actually acid reflux.

It’s when too much stomach acid is produced. The backflow of this acid up to the esophagus is called “acid reflux” and it creates a burning feeling in the upper chest area.

Acid reflux occurs in overweight people and smokers and also when people lie down soon after eating. It is very common during pregnancy.

Acid reflux

Most current treatments are not natural. Antacids can neutralize stomach acid but, in response to this, the stomach produces even more acid.

There are pharmaceutical options that can help but H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors have serious side effects.

The natural treatments we want to use, such as ginger and peppermint, often don’t work.

We need something natural that really works to soothe the burning and bring relief.

Gastro AD

Gastro-AD® is a natural solution for acid reflux and symptoms of heartburn.

It has been tested in several studies since the 1950s and in more than 700 people. It has been proven to be effective for acid reflux and related symptoms of heartburn.

Gastro-AD® naturally provides immediate relief of symptoms, and with regular use, long-term relief as well.

Older studies have proven that Gastro-AD® is effective to relieve symptoms of ulcers and gastritis, including heartburn.

Our recent 2020 clinical trial shows that Gastro-AD® may reduce heartburn frequency and the occurrence of diarrhea over time and may alleviate stomach bloating over time.


Within 3 weeks Gastro-AD® contributed to an improved quality of life in people with acid reflux and heartburn symptoms.

Comfortable eating too much
Better concentration on work
Ease of after-meal activities

A 2021 preclinical model showed that Gastro-AD® suppresses gastric acid secretion and protects gastric tissue from damage. A more recent, 2022 preclinical study confirms the efficacy of Gastro-AD® against acid reflux and gastric pain.

A postbiotic with health benefits

edamame spoon

Gastro-AD® is a plant-based fermented solution. It is IP-certified non-GMO soy fermented by Lallemand’s Lactobacillus delbrueckii R0187. The system is then heat-inactivated.

Gastro-AD® contains inanimate L. delbrueckii as well as natural elements of soybean, and molecules resulting from fermentation, such as peptides, microbial metabolites, etc.

The biological effects of Gastro-AD® can be attributed partly to inactivated R0187 and partly due to bioactive molecules resulting from fermentation.

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